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Dave Weil Family Tree Introduction
The following family trees have been created to represent the descendants of Jacob Weil and Therese Brüll, Dave’s great-great grandparents (father’s side of the family) and Yerachmiel Janofsky (or Yanofsky), Dave’s great-grandfather (mother’s side of the family). The third family tree is a recent addition based on information received from Cordula Kappner in Germany. It shows the family of Samuel Weil and Esther Kahn, Dave’s 3 great-grandparents, and the father of Jacob Weil. For brevity, this report includes only their children and grandchildren, so that the connection to Jacob and his children is clear. The additional generation was identified once the name of the town in Germany that the family came from was clarified. The family used the city name Merzbach in documents. But the correct name was Untermerzbach.
Credit for the original Jacob Weil family chart must be given to Charles Stanton of NY and Dan M. Barlev (derivative of Brüll) in Israel, who diligently researched information from the 1940’s to 1980’s. Charles (a member of the Brüll family) was in contact with Selma Weil Eiseman and Dorothy Dreyfus Bloomfield, who are mentioned as sources on the original documents. Based on their work, David Robertson, Jr. who is a descendant of Jacob Weil and Charles Weil continued the research on the Charles branch. He had input the information to www.ancestry.com and www.jewishgen.org. I have also posted updated family information to these web sites based on my continued research.
The posting to this website has led to contact by several other family members who have provided information on their specific branches of the Weil family tree. This has enabled significant growth in the size of the modern family.
To name a few whose help in this research was extremely valuable: Lisa Lopez, a descendant of Jacob and Helena Weil, provided some handwritten sheets with additional names of descendants. She believes that this could have been prepared by her great-aunt (one of the Kaffenburgh’s). Lisa Hession-Kunz initially did a family tree for the Martin J Weil branch in 1978, updated it and provided much information on family members in this branch. Bob Simon, Rob Citkowitz and Rebecca Fox provided much information on their families within the Martin J. Weil branch. Andrew Cohn, a descendant of Henry, was able to put me in contact with several family members of the Henry Weil branch. Betty Weil Grossman, updated a family tree chart in 1997 that had been initially prepared by her Grandfather, Martin Henry Weil, Sr. Jeffrey Weil Eiseman completed their branch. Susan Sawyer provided a connection to Steven Morse who is an Emilie Weil descendant. Carl Dreyfus, Jr. assisted with his family. Clay Jackson provided information and the stories on the Lownes branch. Caroline Isber provided contacts within the Salomon family, which added an entire branch. John Summerlin, Jr, was a major contributor for Irma Weil Meyer’s branch. Susan Brown Toder assisted me with my own family and provided the linkages to the Jacob Shire family who married with the Weil family. And finally, a big thanks to my cousin, Fred Goldberg, who successfully found a significant person very close to me.
Credit for the Janofsky (or Yanofsky) family chart must be given to my aunt Yetta (Loretta) Yanofsky, who together with my sister created a hand written chart during the 1990’s. Subsequently, my cousin Fred Goldberg, did further research on the family, including his father’s, which added to the completeness of the family tree. This portion of the tree has also been updated by Joan Weinreich.
My task was to use the power of the Internet and prove names, dates, places, and add any that were missing from Charles Stanton’s original work. With a couple of exceptions, I was able to prove the information, and was quite successful in adding additional information on both families. In addition, the complete file includes some extended families that married into the Weil family. Of note, information after 1930 is quite scarce, so proof of recent generations requires living family members to come forth with that information. My complete file, which contains source information, will be posted on genealogy web sites on a regular basis so that it will be available to future family researchers. The files on the genealogy web sites would need to be accessed if anyone wanted to understand families that are related by marriage to the Weil’s.
Research will continue in three areas, as I have time, with family tree revisions as appropriate:
Charles Stanton’s completed research on the Brüll family, as well as its connections with other families from Germany, has been posted on line at the Leo Baeck Institute in New York. Some of this information is also contained on jewishgen.org and ancestry.com.
If you find your name on this chart and would like to contribute to the base of information, or would like further information, you can contact me at: dweil at cox dot net. For people who are living, I have used nicknames, and eliminated middle names, dates of birth, and dates of marriage in this chart.
Revised October 2012
contact Dave at: dweil(at)cox(dot)net |